Driver Safety Awareness Certification

Driver Safety Awareness Certification

Driver Safety Awareness Certificate According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), over 1 million people around the world die in road accidents every year. Many of these deaths are preventable. Road safety should be an ongoing concern for anyone who drives a...
Positive Handling in Schools Certification

Positive Handling in Schools Certification

Positive Handling in Schools Certification Teachers and support staff in today’s schools face a lot of aggression from their students.These situations can be very difficult to deal with, especially if the student is particularly aggressive or threatens to cause...
End of Life Care Certification

End of Life Care Certification

End of Life Care Certification As a person approaches the end of their life, palliative or end of life care is crucial. Carers strive to keep the patient comfortable and as pain free as possible, while also providing important emotional, psychological and social...
Staff Retention Techniques Certification

Staff Retention Techniques Certification

Staff Retention Techniques Certification Staff retention is a growing concern, but by having a proper staff retention strategy in place you’ll be able to keep your top employees. Recruiting and training a new employee is time-consuming and costs a great deal of...
GDPR Certification

GDPR Certification

GDPR Certification Over the years, the way companies and organisations collect, use and maintain data has changed dramatically. For example, the electronic storage of data is a relatively new concept and one that has not always been adequately addressed by existing...
Noise and Vibration Awareness Certification

Noise and Vibration Awareness Certification

Noise and Vibration Awareness Certification Noise and vibration are two common workplace hazards that can have serious long-term effects on employee health. For instance, excessive noise can result in tinnitus and long-term hearing loss, whereas vibration can lead to...
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