by F4studio_Train | Nov 10, 2020
How do I keep my team happy & productive while working from home? Mental Health & Wellbeing was a hot topic before COVID 19 took over our lives. It is now a priority, as working from home becomes the new normal for most people. In these unprecedented times, we...
by F4studio_Train | Nov 10, 2020
Covid-19 Response Business As Usual… Force Four Training Services during Covid-19 Lockdown As you are all aware the recent statements from the Government insist that we all play our part to protect the most vulnerable and to ensure the NHS has the ability to cope with...
by F4studio_Train | Nov 10, 2020
So how do we get human beings to be safe? Let me share a few thoughts with you… The cognitive revolution, about 70,000 years ago – was a real game-changer; a genetic mutation that altered the inner wiring of Homo Sapiens, enabled us to communicate in an altogether new...
by F4studio_Train | Nov 10, 2020
Do my staff need Safety Refresher Training? They say ‘never assume anything’ (whoever THEY are!). But if there is one thing that is safe to assume, it is “YES – your employees need Safety Refresher Training.” Besides being legislated, its just common sense. New...
by F4studio_Train | Nov 10, 2020
How To Bring An Organisation Together – 1 of 3 Re-affirmation – Create reminders of common identity One of the questions we receive often is how to build a culture where people feel they are part of one cohesive unit. My first question in return: what are the...