Safeguarding Adults Certification

Safeguarding Adults Certification

Safeguarding Adults Certification Everyone has the right to live a safe and happy life, free from the threat of abuse. Unfortunately, many people experience at least one incident of abuse at some point in their lives. Adults who are less able to protect themselves...
Safeguarding Children Certification

Safeguarding Children Certification

Safeguarding Children Certification Every child has the right to live a life free from abuse. Sadly, many children are mistreated, often by those closest to them. Child abuse, which takes several different forms, has long-lasting repercussions. For example, adults who...
Positive Handling in Schools Certification

Positive Handling in Schools Certification

Positive Handling in Schools Certification Teachers and support staff in today’s schools face a lot of aggression from their students.These situations can be very difficult to deal with, especially if the student is particularly aggressive or threatens to cause...
End of Life Care Certification

End of Life Care Certification

End of Life Care Certification As a person approaches the end of their life, palliative or end of life care is crucial. Carers strive to keep the patient comfortable and as pain free as possible, while also providing important emotional, psychological and social...
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