Disability Awareness Certification

Disability Awareness Certification

Disability Awareness Certification People with disabilities represent a large untapped labour pool, offering valuable skills, qualifications and assets for employees, yet they continue to be restricted when it comes to participating in the workforce.Disability crosses...

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Certification

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults As society ages, and advancements in medical treatments ensure longer lifespans, the risk of adults being vulnerable to abuse, neglect and exploitation increases. This is why safeguarding vulnerable adults is crucial, on both an...
Self-harm Awareness Certification

Self-harm Awareness Certification

Self-harm Awareness Certification Self-harm involves people inflicting injury on their bodies to reduce different kinds of emotional pain or to experience a certain euphoric feeling. Whatever the reasons for self-harm, they do not make sense to people who do not have...
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Certification

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Certification

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy People with borderline personality disorder struggle with pervasive emotion regulation. They are unable to identify their feelings or emotions, lack the skills they need to manage their emotions and often develop problematic behaviours,...
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