IT Security Certification

IT Security Certification

IT Security Certification Understanding IT Security is vital for everyone involved in the modern workplace, whether in an administrative or end-user capacity.This course provides a comprehensive insight into every aspect of IT Security, including the history and...
Mobile and Portable Device Security Certification

Mobile and Portable Device Security Certification

Mobile and Portable Device Security Certification An understanding of mobile and portable device security is vital for everyone at home and in the modern workplace, whether in an administrative or end-user capacity.This course provides a comprehensive insight into...
Electronic Customer Service Certification

Electronic Customer Service Certification

Electronic Customer Service Certification Traditionally, companies provided customer service face-to-face or by telephone. This changed with the advent of the internet, which has made it relatively inexpensive and simple to deal with customer queries via email and...
Email Management and Ethics Certification

Email Management and Ethics Certification

Email Management and Ethics Certification Email is unavoidable in today’s workplace. Regardless of industry, sector, or even position, you are bound to require the use of email in some capacity at some point in your career. Employees need to understand how to use...
PCI DSS Certification

PCI DSS Certification

PCI DSS Certification An understanding of the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is vital for anybody involved with card payments whether in an administrative or end-user capacity. This course provides a comprehensive insight into every aspect of...
Helpdesk Support Analyst Certification

Helpdesk Support Analyst Certification

Helpdesk Support Analyst Certification Learning about the Helpdesk Support Analyst position is vital for everyone who wants to expand their knowledge on every aspect of this vital job – whether you are an aspiring analyst looking to land your dream job, or a current...
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